The Department of Planning Seeking Residents to Join Advisory Boards

Wednesday Jun 23rd, 2021

This coming year, we are offering a NEW opportunity for Baltimore residents to shape the future of our city. Join an Advisory Council and weigh in on the upcoming Comprehensive Plan and the Climate Action Plan.

After the finalization of the 2020 Census, Maryland counties and the City of Baltimore will update their comprehensive plans. Baltimore's Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) will guide public policy and planning regarding land use and development. A robust Comp Plan will cover diverse issues including transportation, housing, water resources, and community facilities. Baltimore's Comprehensive Plan Advisory Council will be composed of residents, government officials and non-governmental stakeholders providing input on the entire planning process over an 18-month time period.

The Baltimore Office of Sustainability is developing an equitable public engagement strategy to support the update of the City's 2012 Climate Action Plan (CAP Update). The goals of the CAP Update include: 1) accelerating local climate awareness and action; 2) strengthening climate planning and policy connections; 3) evaluating new and ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets; and 4) integrating and prioritizing high impact GHG emissions reductions strategies and priority mitigation and adaptation actions from other City plans. A Resident Advisory Council will play an important role in directly supporting the development of the public engagement and plan update strategy.


Apply online or nominate someone to join the Advisory Council! 

Simply fill out the form via this link to express interest by COB August 6, 2021, or pass this email to someone in your network who should be a part of this team.

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