FY24-29 Program - Get Involved
Fiscal Years 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Budget)
The process to develop the Capital Improvement Program starts with agencies, so one of the best ways to get involved is to engage directly with agencies. This can take many forms. Agencies frequently engage the public in planning processes to identify priorities. Agencies also engage stakeholders through plans focused on particular neighborhoods, such as INSPIRE plans and LINCs plans. In addition to engaging stakeholders through planning processes, agencies value input from residents about failing infrastructure, whether through 311 or direct outreach. Residents can also work directly with agency representatives on particular project ideas. Once agencies have submitted their capital requests there is an extensive process of public hearings related to the development of the capital budget. The Planning Commission, Board of Estimates, and City Council votes all include opportunity for public comment. Stakeholders are encouraged to attend and participate in these hearings. Stakeholders can also communicate support for a particular project or priority by sending a letter to the Planning Commission, care of the Director of Planning.
- The process kicks off in the fall each year. See the table below for dates of important events or milestones for the FY24-29 process. This table will be updated with dates, times, and locations as they become available.
Date | Location | Event/Milestone |
September 14, 2022 | Public Information & Listening Session with Planning Staff and Commissioners (Virtual) | |
December 2022 | N/A | Agency project requests due to Planning |
January 5, 2023 | Webex | Agencies brief Planning Commission (detailed schedule below) |
January 12, 2023 | Webex | Agencies brief Planning Commission (detailed schedule below) |
March 2, 2023 | 417 E. Fayette St., 8th Floor | Planning Commission Work Session |
March 16, 2023 | 417 E. Fayette St., 8th Floor | Planning Commission Vote |
March 27, 2023 @ 3pm | Contact Bureau of Treasury for more information | Board of Finance Review |
April 26, 2023 @ 6pm | Contact Board of Estimates for more information | BOE Taxpayers' Night |
May 10, 2023 | City Hall | Board of Estimates Vote |
May 2022 (TBD) | TBD | City Council Taxpayer Night |
June 2022 (TBD) | TBD | City Council Budget Hearings and Vote |
Agency CIP Presentations to Planning Commission
January 5
This meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting only. Please check the Planning Commission agenda webpage frequently for updates and participation instructions: https://pc.baltimorecity.gov/2023-agendas
You may join by computer or smartphone at: https://bmore.webex.com/bmore/j.php?MTID=ma30d7ede1538027e02752f76875c8162
Meeting number: 2336 693 0440 Event password: f2VzNhtF4A2
You may join by telephone at: +1-408-418-9388 Access code: 2336 693 0440
- 9:00am -10:00am: Planning & Finance
- 10:15am - 11:15am: Department of General Services
- 11:30am - 12:30pm: Baltimore City Recreation and Parks
- 1:00pm - 2:00pm: Public Works – Solid Waste
- 2:15pm - 3:15pm: Housing & Community Development
January 12
This meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting. Please check the Planning Commission agenda webpage frequently for updates and participation instructions: https://pc.baltimorecity.gov/2023-agendas
You may join by computer or smartphone at: https://bmore.webex.com/bmore/j.php?MTID=m485832586651c241a665bb2305d049d4
Meeting number: 2344 395 8423 Event Password: txNWhJ6wV83
You may join by telephone at: 1-408-418-9388 Access code: 234 439 58423
- 10:00am - 11:00am: Department of Public Works (Utilities)
- 11:15am - 12:15pm: Baltimore Development Corporation
- 12:30pm - 1:30pm: Department of Transportation
Exact times for voting sessions will be updated as they become available and are subject to change. Sign up for the Planning Commission listserv here to get email updates with official Planning Commission agendas, or follow us on Facebook for updates. Check the Board of Finance, Board of Estimates, and City Hall schedules to confirm times for hearing and/or votes.
More Information
We welcome the opportunity to come to speak to your organization or community group about the capital budget. Please get in touch with Kristen Ahearn to schedule a time for a presentation and discussion on the CIP.
You can also review all of our reports and other resources from previous years’ Capital Improvement Programs on the Reports and Resources tab.